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Welcome to our PTA (Parent Teacher Association) Page

All parents and carers are automatically members of the PTA and are welcome along to all events and meetings. The purpose of a PTA is to: “make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.” (

We conform to the PTA Constitution and are members of PTA UK.

Our current committee is made up of 4 elected members and 4 ordinary members. Our chair is Katie Smith

You can contact the PTA by email: [email protected]

The elections are usually held in July every year and new members are welcome to be nominated and be elected at this point. If you wish to contact a PTA Committee member to discuss roles and responsibilities, please do so.

We meet on a regular basis to discuss up and coming events, as well as having ongoing discussions with the School about what we can fundraise for next. A half termly donation is provided to the school to further enrich each child’s learning experience. We aim to feedback on what this has been used for three times a year.

We also welcome people to join our Facebook page ‘Berewood Primary School PTA’. Please note that if your child leaves school, you are then removed from the group usually in the start of the next school year, or sooner if your child leaves part-way through a school year.

We are a positive, proactive group of people and are always looking for helpers – there are a variety of tasks you can be involved with!

Please see correspondence from our PTA below.