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  • On our journey to excellence

  • On our journey to excellence

  • On our journey to excellence

  • On our journey to excellence

  • Contact Us

    Berewood Primary School

    Address: Kentidge Way
    PO7 3BE*

    *PLEASE BE AWARE: Sat Nav devices and online maps do not always pick up our postcode. If you're having trouble finding us, please phone the office and we'll be happy to give you directions.

    Telephone: 02394 006070
    Email: [email protected]

    Our Headteacher is: Mrs Megan Carter BA. (Hons). She can be contacted through the school office on the number above or at the school's office email address.

    Our SENCo is : Miss L Annalls. She can be contacted through the school office on the number above or at the school's office email address.

    Chair of Governors - Mrs C. Corp. She can be contacted through Mrs Markham, Clerk to the Governing Body, by emailing to [email protected]

    For enquiries, from parents and the general public: please contact our admin team: Katie McKinlay and Lisa Rose on the number above.

    Contact Form


    How to find us

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    Our academy sponsor is The University of Chichester Academy Trust.

    The Trust can be contacted in the following ways:

    Telephone: 01243 816444
    Email: [email protected]

    Write to:

    The University of Chichester Academy Trust
    Arran House, Bognor Regis Campus
    Upper Bognor Road
    Bognor Regis
    West Sussex PO21 1HR