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  • On our journey to excellence

  • On our journey to excellence

  • On our journey to excellence

  • On our journey to excellence

  • Uniform

    School Uniform

    At Berewood Primary School, we want children to wear their uniform with pride, and to enjoy being smart and ready for learning.

    Please remember that many items such as shorts, trousers, dresses and polo shirts and blouses can be bought locally for a reasonable cost.

    School Uniform

    Acceptable uniform (all pupils)

    • Grey skirt, dress, shorts or trousers
    • White or purple polo shirt
    • Purple sweatshirt or cardigan (with or without school logo).

    In summer, purple and white dresses are suitable to be worn by pupils as well.

    Footwear (all pupils)

    • Shoes should be black and be safe for use around school
    • No heels or open toes
    • Please opt for Velcro shoes if your child cannot tie laces independently

    PE uniform (all pupils)

    • Black sports shorts or cycling shorts (NO hot pants)
    • Plain white or purple T-shirt
    • Trainers
      In the colder months’ children will need:
    • Plain black jogging bottoms or leggings
    • Plain black hoodie or sweatshirt

    This kit should all be named and worn to school on PE days

    Please make sure all items are named and labelled, so we can return them to you should they be misplaced.

    Our uniform is stocked by Hampshire Uniforms and by Skoolkit Ltd. You can visit their websites below.

    Hampshire Uniforms
